Community protests immigration raid on elementary school
April 7, 2011Like a scene from a bad movie, agents from the Detroit Immigration and Customs Enforcement office, driving six large tinted-glass SUVs, surrounded an elementary school here March 31.
Read moreUAW delegates vow to build mass movement
March 28, 2011DETROIT - The United Auto Workers Special Bargaining Convention, held here last week, was like nothing this reporter has attended before: it was three days of preparing the union to do battle with Republicans and Wall...
Read moreUAW special convention: “Fight for every worker in America”
March 23, 2011DETROIT - Addressing 1,200 union activists, United Auto Workers President Bob King called for a return to the social consciousness of the union's founders.
Read moreFinancial dictator would rob Detroiters of their vote
March 22, 2011The same financial power structure that ruined Detroit economically stands in the shadows as mouthpieces of money in the state government threaten the majority Black city.
Read moreThousands drown out GOP at Michigan Capitol
March 18, 2011The Rally for Michigan Families was the largest and most diverse demonstration since protests against the Republican attack began here a month ago. "The Republicans could never have a rally like this," said one participant.
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