
  • U of Miami janitors celebrate victory

    U of Miami janitors celebrate victory

    May 5, 2006

    CORAL GABLES, Fla. — After two months of struggle, including picket lines, demonstrations and a three-week hunger strike, striking janitors at the University of Miami have won the right to unionize through the method of their...

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  • Labor summit: Beat Bush agenda, save affirmative action!

    Labor summit: Beat Bush agenda, save affirmative action!

    May 5, 2006

    DETROIT — A clarion call for unity was sounded at a Labor Summit on Affirmative Action and Segregation here April 28. Conference-goers heard the Rev. Dr. Joseph Lowery, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm...

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  • 350,000 march for peace and justice

    350,000 march for peace and justice

    May 5, 2006 By Dan Margolis

    NEW YORK — On a perfect spring day 350,000 people flowed down Broadway April 29, marching to bring the troops home from Iraq, for health care and education, to rebuild a nation torn by war, hurricanes...

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  • United we march — Sí se puede!

    United we march — Sí se puede!

    May 5, 2006 By Rosalío Muñoz

    It was a May 1 like no other. On the day celebrated around the world as International Workers Day, 2 million-plus people marched in the U.S. for justice and a path to citizenship for immigrant workers.

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  • Southern labor stirs in North Carolina, again

    Southern labor stirs in North Carolina, again

    April 29, 2006

    Red Springs, N.C. — North Carolina is one of the most industrialized states in the country. Yet it still has one of the lowest percentages of workers in unions, though not from lack of trying by...

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