Report: Food on American tables costs a life a day
April 25, 2013The food on your dining table comes at a particularly high price, and we don't mean in dollars and cents; we mean in lives.
Read moreUnion leaders reiterate support for immigration reform
April 24, 2013Union leaders have strongly supported comprehensive immigration reform, including a path to eventual legalization and citizenship for 11 million undocumented people.
Read moreMexican union leader: Corruption stripping workers of their dignity
April 24, 2013The president of Mexico's National Union of Miners, Metalworkers and Steelworkers, known as Los Mineros, reveals the government and business rot in detail.
Read moreCity Council funds jobs center for Oakland Army Base redevelopment
April 23, 2013A major milestone was passed April 16 in the long struggle to win jobs for local workers in redevelopment of the Oakland Army Base.
Read moreToday in labor history: Cesar Chavez died
April 23, 2013Cesar Chavez was the founder and leader of the United Farm Workers union. The UFW achieved the nation's first industry-wide farm labor contracts.
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