Press Associates
Pennsylvania unions launch massive campaign against voter ID law
July 18, 2013The Pa. AFL-CIO is pushing a huge online petition demanding the GOP-run state legislature repeal the state's "voter ID" law.
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British postal unions slam privatization plan
July 16, 2013There's a big bus trundling around London this week, manned by British postal workers - and they're not doing it for fun or to show sights to tourists
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Pennsylvania American Water slapped by NLRB
July 16, 2013Pennsylvania American Water, subsidiary of one of the nation's richest utilities, apparently isn't content with letting its executives feed at the ratepayers' trough, the Utility Workers note.
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AFL-CIO’s Holt-Baker, 30 others, arrested at West Virginia protest
July 11, 2013The U.S. "is not great because of CEOs and lawyers. It's great because of working people. This is a faith-based movement, it's a civil rights movement, and it cannot fail."
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What the June unemployment figures mean for workers
July 9, 2013At the current slow rate of economic recovery, it will take until 2020 to close the gap in the labor market, says a top economist.
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Fire fighters organizing memorial for Arizona victims
July 8, 2013The Fire Fighters and their Arizona affiliate are organizing a memorial observance and soliciting donations for families of the 19 fire fighters from an elite squad who perished June 30.
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Davis-Bacon foes try new ploy: Change wage base
July 3, 2013Workers' foes are trying a new tack: Change the wage base, to make the wages as low as possible.
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Union leaders hail court dumping of DOMA
June 28, 2013WASHINGTON (PAI) - Union leaders hailed the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to throw out the Defense of Marriage Act, the anti-gay law a Republican-run Congress railroaded through, and which then-President Bill Clinton signed.
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