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    21-30 OF 157 RESULTS FOR "Abu Ghraib"

  • "Sarajevo": Saga of 1914 joins ranks of great pacifist films

    June 27, 2014By Ed Rampell

    Like Oliver Stone in JFK, Sarajevo's director Andreas Prochaska and writer Martin Ambrosch have created a counter-narrative to the official version of why the archduke was shot.

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  • Entrapment, food wars, and capitalism in three films

    May 15, 2014By Bill Meyer

    A film that debuted at the recentTribeca Film Festivaloffers compelling evidence that our government has gone too far in "protecting" its citizens.

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  • "The Unknown Known" grills Donald Rumsfeld on Iraq war snow job

    April 01, 2014By Ed Rampell

    The film focuses on Rumsfeld's return to that post of defense secretary during George W. Bush's disastrous presidency at the behest of his longtime crony, Dick Cheney.

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  • US hides sexual abuse in Abu Ghraib

    May 30, 2009

    Washington, May 28 (Prensa Latina) The Pentagon sought to publish pictures on torture applied by the CIA in the prison of Abu Ghraib during the administration of George W. Bush, but President Barack Obama revoked its decision. In spite of the order, a former official of the US Army in charge of the investigation of the scandal in the Iraqi prison stated that the pictures showed sexual abuses, Democracy Now...

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  • COMMENTARY The Pelosi distraction

    May 18, 2009

    The cable news programs are full of indignation about Nancy Pelosi supposedly lying about, and thus insulting the CIA. For those who have been vacationing on another planet, Speaker Pelosi last week claimed that the CIA had lied to her about whether they were using the method of torture called “waterboarding” on “war against terror” prisoners. The way the corporate press is handling this situation is a worthy object of...

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  • Public outcry grows over Iraq abuse photos

    May 15, 2009

    President Barack Obama said yesterday he will try to prevent the court-ordered release of photos that depict U.S. troops abusing prisoners. He said his sudden reversal reflected fear that the photos would “further inflame anti-American opinion” and endanger U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. The administration had originally said it would not resist an appeals court ruling that set a May 28 deadline for releasing photos of military misconduct. Generals...

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  • Movie Review: 'Hunger'

    May 15, 2009

    Hunger Directed by Steve McQueen 2008, 96 min. Before Belfast has awakened in Steve McQueen’s “Hunger” — which won a Golden Camera Award for best first feature at Cannes and a Gold Hugo at the Chicago International Film Festival — we see Ray Lohan (Stuart Graham) come out of his house. He is inspecting his car, while his wife looks at him from the window. She looks worn and uneasy....

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  • Famed architect returns to shattered Baghdad

    May 14, 2009

    ( Two decades before U.S. Marines pulled down a statue of Saddam Hussein in a Baghdad square, the dictator had destroyed a monument in the same place: the magnum opus of one of Iraq’s greatest architects. The elegant arch entitled “The Unknown Soldier” was a Baghdad landmark for more than 20 years. Now its designer, Rifat Chadirji, 82, has returned to rebuild it in the hope of resurrecting some of...

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  • Lawmakers try to block new abuse photos

    May 12, 2009

    NEW YORK, May 11 (IPS) - Civil libertarians are condemning a call by two influential U.S. senators for the White House to block the impending release of photographs showing detainees being abused by U.S. military personnel at the notorious Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and at other U.S. detention facilities in the Middle East and elsewhere. The plea to intervene to stop the expected May 28 release of the photos...

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  • Lawyers group targets torture memo author

    April 22, 2009

    NEW YORK, Apr 20 (IPS) - Lawyers who reject President Barack Obama’s decision not to seek prosecution of officials who may have participated in the torture of terror-suspect prisoners are seeking justice through another avenue: Sanctions against government lawyers who created the 'enhanced interrogation' policies of former President George W. Bush. Their first target is former Defence Department General Counsel William J. Haynes II. The San Francisco Bay Area chapter...

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