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    41-50 OF 157 RESULTS FOR "Abu Ghraib"

  • Fear of Cuba

    December 21, 2007

    During the Vietnam War era, President Richard Nixon worried about his country becoming a “pitiful, helpless giant.” Now, with the world’s only superpower over-reacting to fears, that possibility seems to have resurfaced. Two recent U.S. measures relating to Cuba hint at weak knees. Washington officials recently refused permission for U.S. filmmaker Brian De Palma to attend the 29th International Festival of New Latin American Cinema in Havana. His film “Redacted,”...

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  • NATIONAL CLIPS: November 17

    November 16, 2007By Denise Winebrenner Edwards

    LONG BEACH, Calif.: Antiwar vets barred from parade OLYMPIA, Wash.: Peace activists arrested for blocking military gear PALO ALTO, Calif.: Stanford students say no to Rumsfeld LEWISTON, Maine: Somali American runner charges foul play

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  • Thousands to march for peace Oct. 27

    October 19, 2007

    ‘This war is draining our communities’ United for Peace and Justice, the largest antiwar coalition in America, has announced plans for 11 peace marches to take place around the nation on Oct. 27. “Never before have we seen anything like this,” declared Leslie Cagan, national coordinator for UFPJ, commenting on the response to the regional demonstrations. “This war,” she said, “with its senseless death and destruction in Iraq, is draining...

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  • For equality, justice and self-determination

    September 29, 2007

    The following statement was made by Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque at the 62nd Session of the UN General Assembly on Sept. 26 in New York City. Mr. President: Never before had the real dangers menacing the human species become so evident; never before had the violations of International Law become so evident, as they increasingly jeopardize international peace and security; never before had inequality and exclusion become so...

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  • Vets pledge fight for record-breaking peace

    August 31, 2007

    ST. LOUIS — As the heat outside broke records, over 400 veterans and peace activists from across the country pledged to create “record-breaking peace” at the 22nd Annual Veterans for Peace National Convention, held here Aug. 15-19. “Vets know firsthand the cost of war. We know that this war needs to end,” Chuck Smith of the St. Louis area VFP told the audience at the opening ceremony. While the convention...

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  • Vets pledge fight for record-breaking peace

    August 23, 2007

    ST. LOUIS — As the heat outside broke records, over 400 veterans and peace activists from across the country pledged to create “record breaking peace” at the 22nd Annual Veterans for Peace National Convention, held here Aug. 15-19. “Vets know first-hand the cost of war. We know that this war needs to end,” Chuck Smith of St. Louis area VFP told the audience at the opening ceremony. While the convention...

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  • Villa Grimaldi: Chiles memorial to victims of torture

    June 08, 2007By Mark Almberg

    Despite the restoration of many democratic freedoms in Chile over the past decade, the country is still saddled with the “Pinochet constitution,” a document that is skewed in favor of the interests of foreign corporations, big business, the military and the conservative parties. The struggle to democratize the country remains a high priority.

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  • Journalism and the truth in Iraq, U.S.-style

    April 13, 2007By Curly Cohen And Molly Rose

    In Petra Epperlein and Michael Tucker’s movie “The Prisoner or: How I Planned to Kill Tony Blair,” the camera spends a great deal of time focused on the face of Yunis Abbas.

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  • A brutal reply

    April 12, 2007

    George W. Bush is undoubtedly the most genuine representative of a system of terror forced on the world by the technological, economic and political superiority of the most powerful country known to this planet. For this reason, we share the tragedy of the American people and their ethical values. The instructions for the verdict issued by Judge Kathleen Cardone, of the El Paso Federal Court last Friday, granting Luis Posada...

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  • China chastises U.S. over human rights

    March 16, 2007

    China’s State Council, or cabinet, last week issued a scathing response to U.S. State Department charges that human rights in China deteriorated last year. Washington made the allegations in its annual “Country Reports on Human Rights Practices,” released on March 6. “As in previous years,” begins the Chinese response, “the State Department pointed the finger at human rights conditions in more than 190 countries and regions, including China, but avoided...

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