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    31-40 OF 157 RESULTS FOR "Abu Ghraib"

  • Art exhibit illustrates horrors of Iraq occupation

    April 15, 2009

    HOUSTON - Upon entering The Station Museum of Contemporary Art on the edge of the city’s downtown to view the exhibition “Iraqi Artists in Exile,” I was hit with the questions “How do we justify the destruction of a country and her people? What do we say?” This wonderful museum is renowned for its thought provoking exhibitions. This phenomenal exhibition has not been placed at any other museum in the...

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  • Drug cartel violence has political, economic roots

    March 19, 2009

    CIUDAD JUÁREZ, Mexico -- Recent media reports about Mexico picture a country near collapse, with police and army outgunned by well-armed and organized drug cartels. U.S. government travel warnings speak of “small unit combat” taking place against cartel units equipped with uniforms, heavy automatic weapons and even grenades. In several locations, Mexican Army troops have fought pitched battles for control of municipal police stations, with casualties on both sides and...

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  • Protest now! Iraqi government attacks teacher trade union

    March 03, 2009

    (Reposted from I’m in Erbil (Iraqi Kurdistan) for a TUC workshop for Iraqi and Kurdish trade unionists, and Iraqi Teachers’ Union President Jasim al-Lami has reported an astounding attack on his union’s leadership by the Iraqi Government. The Iraqi Government has proved itself time and time again to be hostile to free trade unionism, and has been censured by the ILO for its restrictive use of Saddam Hussein’s labour...

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  • Veterans, families and unionists testify to Iraq War's true cost

    February 06, 2009By JF Allen

    CHICAGO -- Unionists, elected officials and several hundred assorted spectators gathered in downtown Chicago at the Teamster City Auditorium, recently, to hear testimony from Iraqi war veterans and others directly affected by the war. The hearing, entitled “War's Real Impact: Our Voices”, sought to bring attention to the hardship and suffering incurred on veterans, workers, military families and students.

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  • Censored 2009: Top 25 most censored stories

    January 08, 2009By Tim Pelzer

    According to a study undertaken by the British polling group Opinion Research Business, American military actions since 2003 have led to the death of one million Iraqi people, rivaling mass killings in Rwanda in 1994 and Cambodia in the 70s under Pol Pot. In addition, 2.5 million Iraqis have fled the country to escape the violence and 10,000 depart the country every month.

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  • Cuba celebrates UN Human Rights Day 60th anniversary

    December 17, 2008

    If scant Internet postings and newspaper coverage indicate anything, the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), Dec. 10 — designated each year as Human Rights Day — passed almost unnoticed in the United States. Cuba staged a workshop attended by 200 people from many countries, looking at “Sixty Years After.” In inaugural remarks contrasting U.S. and Cuban stewardship of human rights, Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez...

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  • High crimes charge leveled at Bush, Cheney

    July 01, 2008

    Efforts to impeach and even prosecute President Bush are gaining wider support as anger mounts over his administration’s disregard for the Constitution and what many see as its continuing gross negligence and criminal behavior. After Reps. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) and Robert Wexler (D-Fla.) introduced 35 articles of impeachment in Congress June 9, their offices were flooded with calls from people throughout the country asking what they can do to help....

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  • Scapegoats of U.S. executives and endless blood

    February 28, 2008

    Film Review Taxi to the Darkside Directed by Alex Gibney Jigsaw Productions 106 min., Rated R When you grasp the madness that’s exposed in Alex Gibney’s Academy Award nominated “Taxi to the Darkside,” (Gibney also directed the acclaimed “Enron, the Smartest Guys in the Room”) you wonder if there is a connection between that madness we’re watching on screen and the fact that within 48 hours of the polls closing...

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  • World protests illegal U.S. prison at Guantnamo

    January 19, 2008

    By Jim Lane DALLAS, Texas—Handcuffed and black-hooded 'prisoners' in orange jumpsuits stood quietly amid angry protesters who demanded, 'Shut Down Guantanamo!' outside the federal courthouse here on Jan. 11. Hadi Jawad of the Dallas Peace Center and Chip Pitts of the Bill of Rights Defense Committee of Greater Dallas explained to reporters that similar groups were gathering all over the world in concerted action 'from Australia and Amsterdam, to Amherst...

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  • CIA tape trashing suggests a cover-up

    January 11, 2008

    A new firestorm is raging over the Bush administration’s use of torture in its “war on terror,” ignited by CIA Director Michael Hayden’s admission that the spy agency destroyed videotapes of its interrogation of two detainees. Hayden claimed the videotapes were destroyed in 2005 to protect the identity of CIA agents who conducted the interrogations of suspected Al-Qaeda operatives Abu Zubaida and Abd Al-Rahim Al-Nashiri in 2002. Sen. Edward Kennedy...

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